International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge

Volume-8 Issue-9, September 2023

Title: Security Threats Affecting the Potential of Kenya's Maritime Domain

Author: Col Peter Mwangi Muiruri & Dr. Martin Odhiambo Ouma


The prosperity of societies is dependent on their ability to utilize the readily available resources in their environment. This study set out to identify the traditional and non-traditional maritime security threats that are hindering the prospects of Kenya’s maritime domain. A country’s maritime domain is capable of generating numerous benefits in the form of food, transportation, mineral extraction, energy, scientific research, biotechnology, tourism and recreation, and human settlement. Maritime insecurities however hinder coastal states' dominion and use of their maritime resources. The study employed the securitization theory that supports that extreme security issues must be labelled as threats. A descriptive research design was applied in order to explain the real situation on the ground. The study utilized secondary resources to determine the potential of Kenya’s maritime domain and the security challenges within. The data collected was analysed using content analysis method. The study established that Kenya is richly endowed with resources that could help grow its fisheries industry, solve the country’s nutritional challenges, increase its foreign exchange earnings, and improve its regional status. The security challenges of UUI fishing, maritime border disputes, drug trafficking, human trafficking, maritime terrorism, piracy, and marine pollution and ocean acidifications were identified. It was recommended that an effective security strategy should be developed to eliminate these issues.

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ISSN: 2213-1356

Publisher: Scholar Touch Publishers

Area/Scope: Business, Economics & Management; Social Science, Literature, Arts & Humanities; Engineering & Technology; Life Science & Physical Science, Health & Medical Science

Frequency: Monthly

Format: Online & Print

Language: English

Review Process: Double Blinded

Access: Open Access