International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge


Open Access Initiative (OAI) is a new paradigm in publishing domain. Its objective is to pioneer and promote models that ensure free access to scholarly & research journals. International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge (IJIRK) is an electronic gateway to global journal literature in open access domain. International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge (IJIRK) gives open access to every last bit of it substance on the rule that making research unreservedly accessible to people in general backings a more amazing worldwide trade of information. Such get to is connected with expanded readership and expanded citation of a writer's work. Thus, all articles published under open access can be accessed by anyone with internet connection without financial, legal or technical barriers. Those who wish to read and use it working in any institution across the globe, can read, down load, copy, distribute, print, search or link the full text of the papers or articles published in IJIRK without taking any prior permission either from the publisher or from the author. High visibility and maximum global distribution Journal is more easily included and searchable in search engines and indexing databases.


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International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge (IJIRK) publishes papers that are judged and reviewed by editorial team types of articles include original research papers, articles, reviews, mini-reviews, short research communications, synopsis and Case studies. International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge (IJIRK) aims at rapid publication of quality research results and reviews while maintaining rigorous review process. The main criteria for accepting a manuscript for publication in IJIRK are originality, innovative and interest.

The authors should note that there is no submission fee; however, there is a reasonable publication fee of each accepted article to meet the cost of Website Management Charges, server and website update and maintenance, Manuscript handling, Review process, Typesetting, copy-editing, Language correction, tagging and indexing of articles, Printing, Electronic composition and production, hosting the final article on dedicated servers, electronic archiving, Office cum admin expenses and other recurring expenses.

The Journal accepts a Publication and Handling Fee only from Authors after their manuscripts has been accepted for Publication by the Executive Managing Editor. The paper will be online after completion of process by authors.


Plagiarism is a serious issue around the world in the arena of manuscript writing. Plagiarism means “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of the one's own original work”. This is generally noticed that, authors are simply copying scientific data and information from the other published papers, which is an awful practice in academic fraternity. Therefore I request to the all our author(s) please adopt the holistic & pragmatic approach to design the manuscript of interest. Hence IJIRK will not be responsible for further action on Plagiarism issue. The author will be solely responsible for plagiarism issue.


Submitting authors are required to acknowledge that they are aware of the International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge’s policy on plagiarism and copyright when signing the article’s copyright transfer agreement. Manuscripts are sent out for review on the condition that any unpublished data cited within are properly credited and the appropriate permission has been sought. The policy outlined on this page applies to International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge’s.

It is essential that editors and reviewers be told by the authors when any portion of a paper is based heavily on previous work, even if this work has been written by one or more of the authors of the paper. It is the responsibility of the author not only to cite the previous work, including their own, but to provide an indication of the extent to which a paper depends on this work.

Procedures and penalties

The Executive Editor is the primary means of detecting plagiarism in manuscripts submitted to IJIRK. Complainants shall bring cases of suspected author misconduct to the attention of the Executive Editor. The Executive Editor shall ensure that the following documentation is provided: written description of the alleged misconduct; title of the manuscript; full list of author names; for alleged plagiarized manuscript – title, list of author names and publication in which the manuscript appeared; for use of ideas – title of idea, full list of creators and date of creation; copies of both manuscripts; full name and address of complainant. An Executive Editor after being made aware of a suspicion of plagiarism shall review all evidence and make a preliminary judgment regarding the claim. After publication If found any copyright content or any issue related to copyright in future than IJIRK have rights to withdraw the paper without prior notice to authors. As part of the EIC’s deliberation, it is required that the authors be contacted and provided an opportunity to rebut the charge.

Penalties for Plagiarism

When plagiarism has been found to have occurred, IJIRK will take the actions listed below as determined by the type of plagiarism.The authors will be asked to write a formal letter of apology to the authors of the plagiarized paper, including an admission of plagiarism.If the paper is under submission, the paper can be automatically rejected by the Executive Editor or the Editor board without further revisions and without any further plagiarism investigation coordinated by the Executive Editor.


The author(s) of each article appearing in this journal is/are solely responsible for the content thereof; the publication of an article shall not constitute or be deemed to constitute any representation by International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge (IJIRK) that the data presented therein are correct or sufficient to support the conclusions reached or that the experiment, design or methodology is adequate. International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge (IJIRK) shall not assume any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge (IJIRK) (in printed, web or any other format) and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of published content in International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge (IJIRK). Facts and opinions published in International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge (IJIRK) express solely the opinions of the respective authors. Editors/ The International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge (IJIRK) is not liable for the views represented in the papers regarding caste, racial, gender, sexual orientation, religious, political or other controversial issues and its solutions prescribed by the authors. Authors are responsible for their citing of sources and the accuracy of their references and bibliographies. It is the responsibility of the authors to seek copyright clearance for any part of the content of the articles. The editors/ International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge (IJIRK) cannot be held responsible for any lacks or possible violations of third parties’ rights or any consequences arising from the exercise of information contained in the journal content. No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. The respective individual author(s) are responsible for the facts and views expressed in their articles. Authors are solely responsible for their manuscripts and data published in the journals and any mistakes in the published articles. The publisher does not take any such responsibilities.


ISSN: 2213-1356

Publisher: Scholar Touch Publishers

Area/Scope: Business, Economics & Management; Social Science, Literature, Arts & Humanities; Engineering & Technology; Life Science & Physical Science, Health & Medical Science

Frequency: Monthly

Format: Online & Print

Language: English

Review Process: Double Blinded

Access: Open Access