Title: Prevention and Post-Delivery Care of Obstetrical Fistula Patients in developing countries like Nigeria: A Systematic Review
Author: Ogubuike Emejuru, MD, MPH, FAAP & Nisha A. Sachdev, DrPh, PsyD
Abstract The study aimed to explore the prevention of obstetrics fistula, critically evaluate the numerous works on the subject, and address gaps and unmet requirements in psychosocial care for teenagers with fistula in developing countries like Nigeria. This critical analysis was culled from literature from PubMed, Google Scholar, African Journals Online, BMC, and open-access journals of international organizations such as WHO, UNFPA, USAID, Engender Health, Fistula Foundation, and Fistula Care Plus published between 2012 to the present. Out of the 42 articles identified, 11 were relevant for the research purpose. Psychosocial support, social reintegration, and rehabilitation of adolescents with obstetrical fistula in developing countries have not been given the same attention it deserves as given to surgical treatments. Most of the psychosocial interventions in the articles published on obstetrics fistula excluded adolescents below 18 years, and most only dealt with surgical repair of the damaged tissues exclusively. In developing countries, such as Nigeria, there is a need to integrate post-surgical care with mental health care for obstetrics fistula patients. In addition, ongoing support and promotion of outreach projects are needed for case identification and counseling to create awareness about myths concerning obstetric fistula to aid the social reintegration and rehabilitation process for teenagers, specifically those who are under 18 years.
•ISSN: 2213-1356
•Publisher: Scholar Touch Publishers
•Area/Scope: Business, Economics & Management; Social Science, Literature, Arts & Humanities; Engineering & Technology; Life Science & Physical Science, Health & Medical Science
•Frequency: Monthly
•Format: Online & Print
•Language: English
•Review Process: Double Blinded
•Access: Open Access