Title: On the Disillusionment of the Quest for Female Identity in The Awakening
Author: Zhao Yue & Wei Luyao
Abstract The Awakening is a classic work by Kate Chopin, a famous American novelist of the late 19th century. It describes the whole process of the heroine Edna’s quest for her identity from the initial awakening to the final disillusionment. This paper mainly explains the process of Edna’s search for identity and the causes of its collapse.
•ISSN: 2213-1356
•Publisher: Scholar Touch Publishers
•Area/Scope: Business, Economics & Management; Social Science, Literature, Arts & Humanities; Engineering & Technology; Life Science & Physical Science, Health & Medical Science
•Frequency: Monthly
•Format: Online & Print
•Language: English
•Review Process: Double Blinded
•Access: Open Access