International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge

Volume-6 Issue-5, May 2021

Title: Gender, race and religion among Kenyan Hindus

Author: Dr Charles K. Moywaywa


Cross-creed interaction has become a matter of necessity in the contemporary world, largely due to the impact of globalization. Christianity and Hinduism share some commonness, at least in the history of their presence in the country. Yet, members of both faiths have – in the past- maintained cold relations between each other. In recent days, however, this trend appears to have changed as new opportunities for cross-faith interactions continue to present themselves courtesy of globalization. This paper examines some of these opportunities and how they have impacted on the Hindu-Christian relations in Kenya.

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ISSN: 2213-1356

Publisher: Scholar Touch Publishers

Area/Scope: Business, Economics & Management; Social Science, Literature, Arts & Humanities; Engineering & Technology; Life Science & Physical Science, Health & Medical Science

Frequency: Monthly

Format: Online & Print

Language: English

Review Process: Double Blinded

Access: Open Access